Sunday, July 22, 2012

Color Me Rad!!

I am incredibly excited because I just registered for my first 5k!!

I've been wanting to do a 5k ever since I started losing weight. I saw a pin on Pinterest for The Color Run, and I immediately wanted to do it. During the race, colored powder is thrown on all the participants. It is called "The Happiest 5k On The Planet."

Unfortunately, I couldn't register for The Color Run. The nearest race was set for August 4th, and I couldn't find anyone who wanted to go with me. (Who wants to run "The Happiest 5k" by themselves?) The clock was ticking and I still hadn't found a running buddy, so I decided I wouldn't register. I wanted to have enough time to train for the race, even though the times don't matter. I still wanted to set a goal and accomplish it.

And then...

My friend Larissa posted on Facebook that she had started a team to run in the Color Me Rad 5k. I went to the website and realized that the Color Me Rad 5k has the same concept as The Color Run: bright colored powder, no time restraints, and lots of fun! After some encouragement from another friend, I decided to register. I registered with Larissa's team to celebrate her 8th year being cancer free! What a great way to celebrate!

The race is set for September 29th. I have plenty of time to start training and trick more friends into running with me. ;)

After meeting my half-way weight loss goal, my weight loss has been rather slow and even stagnant. I realized that I had met my goal of reaching the half-way mark and needed a new goal to focus on. Now I have this 5k! I'm extremely excited to be working towards a new goal, and I can't wait to accomplish it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's funny, I just found out about this yesterday! lol And it looked so awesome, so i registered! Mine isn't till February 2013!! So if you go before then, let me know how much fun it is. :D
