Sunday, June 24, 2012

An Update On My Ticker

In my first blog post (to read, click here) I mentioned that I was having a fluttering feeling in my chest and that I had made an appointment with a cardiologist. The cardiologist ran some tests and I had my follow up appointment last Wednesday to review the results of that test.

Thankfully, my heart is just fine. That fluttering feeling in my chest was the result of premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). PVCs are exactly what they sound like: the ventricles of the heart beat earlier than they should. The cardiologist told me they are nothing to worry about since my heart is structurally sound and still pumping blood effectively. He said to just be aware of them when they happen and then move on. He said, “If you think about it too much, you’ll go crazy.” I just have to go back to the cardiologist annually for a check up.

What a relief!! I was so worried and conflicted about the heart stuff. On one hand, I wanted to be healthy and normal. I didn’t want to have yet another health issue. But on the other hand, I knew something was wrong and I wanted answers. The cardiologist actually said, “Well, at least it’s not all in your head!” And that’s exactly how I felt, too!

I am still just as motivated, if not more, to take care of my health. It’s like I know my heart has a “disadvantage” so I want to care for it even more. Kind of like getting a puppy that has three legs. The puppy can still run and play like all the other puppies, but you just want to take care of it because the poor thing only has three legs. That’s how I feel about my heart. Poor thing can’t even beat correctly. I should really make sure to take care of it.

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