Sunday, September 30, 2012

My First 5k!

Yesterday I accomplished a milestone I had set for myself several months ago when I decided to lose weight: I ran a 5k! Well, I jogged/walked a 5k, but still!

I registered for the Color Me Rad 5k as soon as I heard it was coming to this area. During the race, colored powder is thrown on all the participants, turning the race into a colorful mess. My friend Larissa created a team to run the 5k to celebrate her 8th year of surviving cancer. What a great way to celebrate!!

I'll admit, before the race started, I was nervous. I kept thinking, "I haven't trained hard enough for this... I'll end up walking most of it..." After a few minutes of psyching myself out (and almost walking away from the whole thing), I told myself, WHO CARES?! I didn't register for this 5k with the intention of being the fastest runner. The whole point was not to run the entire 3.1 miles or be the first across the finish line. I registered for this race to HAVE FUN and to do something I never would have thought myself capable of.

Once I let myself relax, I had a blast! It was so fun to see groups of friends high five-ing each other, parents running with their kids, and to see my friend celebrate living eight years after doctors gave her a diagnosis of terminal colon cancer.

Here's the crazy part... I think I've caught the running bug. I can't wait to register for another race, and I can't believe I actually had FUN while running! I think I might have to look online later today for a new 5k to register for!

My only regret about yesterday is that I didn't take enough pictures. I wasn't sure how to wrangle a camera through all the powdered mess, so I didn't really take any pictures. Thankfully, one of my fellow Team Miracle friends did take pictures. Here are some pictures of the most colorful 5k!

Team Miracle at the start line! We were throwing up the number 8, not gang signs. ;)

Here we go!!

Here's Team Miracle after all the color bombing!

Miss Larissa!

My running buddy Hilary!

My first 5k! Definitely not my last!

So much fun!

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